Friday 23 November 2012

Why Do We Quote Others?

 For me quotes inspire and motivate.  The thought of the individual resonates as true for the many.  It sometimes feels odd that a stranger, a world or lifetime away, answers a question or presents a perspective that is similar to mine. 
"Some proponents of more academically rigorous programs for young children view playing and learning as mutually exclusive, clearly favoring "serious" learning and wanting teachers to spend more time on specific academic content.  But do play and learning have to compete?"

Elena Bordova and Deborah Leong Ph.D.



“ I think that my passion comes from wanting to make a difference.  To me making a difference may sometimes be helping one child to be successful in the classroom.”

Raymond Hernandez



“I wanted to be a teacher because I had a built in passion.  It was important to me to make a real contribution to the world”

Louise Derman-Sparks


“Early educators know that the foundations to learning are rooted in relationships.”

Marc (Tatanasci) Lalonde

Bordova.E. & Leong.D.J.(2003, April). The Importance of Being Playful.The first years of School.60(7), 50-53. Retreived from
Lalonde (Tatanasci) Marc (2012, Summer) Re:."Scial Emotional Learning in the Early Years: Why Qualtity Care is Needed Now More Than Ever".  Retrieved from



  1. Barb,

    I love the quotes you chose to use in your blog this week. I also really like what you said at the beginning of your posting about how something someone else who could be very far away says still holds true to how you feel. I think the fact that something someone says affects the way so many people feel and think about a certain subject is truly amazing.


  2. Barb!
    Hello Rachel Here you had several quotes that were good this week. I enjoyed the last one from Marc Lalonde. We sometimes don't recognize that we develop some of the best relationships with our students. They depend on us to push them and help them to excel. Developing that positive relationship with them, will help them to never settle for less than your Best. How do you feel about setting the bar high for students? I think you have to have the relationship built with them first so that they will understand why you want them to achieve more.
