Saturday 5 April 2014

Nonviolent Communication

For most people, disagreements can create anxiety. Anxiety leads to conflict if not managed by both communicative partners.  Conflicts of situations where others feel there is inequity in communication or their communication partners are not predictable and responsive.

The 3R’s of communication are essential to preventing conflicts from arising.  Effective communications and conflict resolutions are based upon trust, reciprocity and time.

How we respond to others will support cooperation and  healthy interactions.

Respect – adults and children alike wish to be treated with respect.  When communications are not balanced, there will instances of disengagement or discord.  Treat others  in an equitable fashion.  This does not mean that everyone is treated the same, but we follow consistent processes when communicating with others.  We must strive to understand the motivation and needs of others.  We must also respond in a consistent and predictable fashion, while communicating our needs.  We can not assume that others can read our minds.  

Response – we will communicate better with individuals care to listen to our concerns or anticipate our needs in an appropriate and timely fashion.  For adults and children alike, we want to demonstrate active and empathetic listening skills.  It is also important be timely in our reactions.  If we cannot respond immediately, our communicative partners must be provided with timelines when they can expect a response.

Relationships – are the attachments that we form with others.  Sometimes relationships are voluntary, such as parents or social groups.  Other times, the relationships that we are in are involuntary, such a business or collaborative partnerships.   To ensure that we are able to communicate effectively we must always be cognizant of the purpose of the collaborations – focus in the things that we have in common.

 Nonviolent Communication (Links)

YouTube. (2010). The basics of nonviolent communication. Retrieved from

•YouTube. (2006). Nonviolent communication, Part 1, Marshall Rosenberg. Retrieved from

 •YouTube. (2006). Nonviolent communication, Part 2, Marshall Rosenberg. Retrieved from

 •YouTube. (2006). Nonviolent communication, Part 3, Marshall Rosenberg. Retrieved from

Those supporting children and families

The Three R”s : Gateway to Infant and Toddler learning. Retrieved March 30 from's.pd


Goat and Cat.  Retrieved March 30, 2014 from

Respect, Retrieved March 30, 2014 from

Respond.  Retrieved March 30, 2014 from

Relationships.  Retrieved March 30, 2014

1 comment:

  1. Hi Barbara,

    Nonviolence is the essence of treating all people with respect. When we treat people with respect it is returned to us. This allows everyone to share their viewpoints without feeling they are being judged for the way they feel about the subject matter. The 3'R and nonviolence walk hand in hand and together in the early childhood field they can help teachers to manage their classroom atmosphere much smoother. There will always be conflict, but it is how we manage it that makes the difference between violence or nonviolence. Wonderful blog.

    Joyce Galloway
