Friday 7 March 2014

Effective Communication



Effective communicators engage us with their language, actions, and messages. Although communication has a cultural context, there are some personalities, who can, bridge geographic and societal differences; reflecting the world around them and drawing light to issues of importance.

They sell a message and make us want to hear more. The most successful have a high degree of charisma, drawing people to them. When I think about effective communicators within the public eye, two very different personalities come to mind. American businesswoman, advocate and television star, Oprah Winfrey has brought inspiration to so many across the world. Conversely, a second effective communicator is the Dali Lama who also addresses issues of heart and mind within the context of our society.


Oprah is a household name, building a business empire upon her gregarious personality and image. She has engaged audiences with issues related to popular culture, health matters, and social justice. She has an amazing talent to take complex topics and make it part of mainstream communications.

The Dali Lama is an engaging communicator, who approaches the world with a smile and pleasant demeanor. In spite of his meek demeanor and modest appearance, he skillfully addresses complex issues and potential volatile subjects to a wide range of audiences .The Dali Lama is intimately aware of the issue to which he speaks publicly. He address a multitude of issues and draws connections to complex issues by providing examples from contemporary and past times. He engages the listen through a soothing voice which his intonation changes frequently to highlight matters of pertinence.

2013 GSWS: His Holiness The Dalai Lama 


Oprah and Dali Lama.  Retrieved March 7, 2014 from




2013 GSWS: His Holiness The Dalai Lama   


  1. Hi Barb,
    What interesting choices. I agree that both are very effective communicators and very engaging. I have often identified people who I think are effective communicators, but I haven't taken the time to think about why they are so effective until now. Your Youtube citation made me think about what a great resource for observing qualities of communicators that I would most like to model my own communication after. I think that Oprah and the Dali Lama would both be people I would would like to observe.

  2. Barb,
    Great choices! Oprah and the Dali Lama are people that we look up to for guidance and insights. They reach people across cultures, races, languages, and "code". As far as emulating their communication, we can all learn something. Great post.
