Friday 14 February 2014

Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

When people interact with prejudice or bias; world and interpersonal views are negatively impacted. Often culturally insensitive responses result of tradition, misconception or sense of superiority. Understanding this helps us to help ourselves or others to be responsive; reducing stereotypes, improving equity, and eliminating violence. Although culture and traditions reflect ties to our families and may be foundations to many societies, there are engrained beliefs and traditions that are oppressive. Around the world, women continue to struggle to ensure basic rights.

This week a wise person at my workplace commented that her husband was shocked to learn about the treatment of women in India. Atrocities against females in India have recently become reported by the popular press. Women are also subject to torture, molestation, rape, trafficking and death. The New York Times (2013) reports that there are 100,000 incidents of women being burnt to death yearly. 125,000 die from violent injuries. BBC (2011) noted that there were 24,000 reported cases of rape of children, teenagers and women in 2011, and in 94% of the reported cases, victims knew the rapist. 33% of offenders were neighbours or acquaintances while the remainder comprised of family members.

Change cannot occur unless we stand up to change gross human right violations.

More information can be found at Amnesty International



Derald Wing Sue ( 2013).  Microsaggression.  Retrieved  from

Indian women.  Retrieved January 31, 2014 from

New York Times Company .( 2013).India’s New Focus on Rape Shows Only the Surface of Women’s Perils. Retrieved from

BBC ©. ( 2014). How India treats its women. 29 December 2012.  Retrieved from


  1. Thank you for sharing these wrenching statistics! You are right, change cannot happen unless we stand up against these wrongful acts.

  2. Hello Barbara,

    This report was heart wrenching and I know it was hard for you to read this. Change will come one day, but not until the men understand that women are loved and made from God just as they are. Thank you for this thought provoking blog post.

  3. I just told my daughter that as a society we often take certain liberties for granted. She is still learning that freedom is not a choice in some countries. Thanks for sharing
