Sunday 2 June 2013

Getting to Know Your International Contacts

As I wait for my European contacts to reply to my emails, I have investigated other International websites.  There is a wealth of free of low cost resources developed to inform the practices of early education professionals.

The Harvard University, Center on the Developing Child has a site, the Global Children’s Initiative. It focuses upon a unified multidisciplinary approach including education, behavioral sciences, business, and government to research, serve and improved upon child outcomes. This website provides written and visual supports highlighting successful approaches within the early education field worldwide. There are links to Centers and initiatives in Brazil, Zambia and Chili.  Multiple short videos associated with the topics of child development are also featured. Many can be found in a variety of languages. Videos highlight topics such as brain architecture, toxic stress and foundations for life long health. This resource can be found at :
There are also PowerPoint resources to support professional learning communities.


The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) provides options for continuing education credits. This site also offers free access to archived webinars. Through NAEYC, I down loaded the presentation Challenging Behavior and Culture – A Connection? Creating Culturally Respectful ECE Environments, presented by Barbara Kaiser. In this 30 minute presentation, she defines and identifies factors that impact cultural identities and reflects upon the role that culture has on our development. Participants address the impact of culture on their own performance. This presentation addresses the juxtapositions between school and diverse cultures. It culminates with some practical solutions that can easily be implemented within the early education environments.


Center on the Developing Child. Harvard University. In brief series.  Retrieved from

 Children in a Line. Harvard Center for Developing Children. (Website).  Retrieved June 02, 2013 from

Children  with .  Harvard Graduate School of Education.  Retrieved June 02, 2013 from

Early Childhood Investigations(Executive Producer). (May 15, 2013).   Behavior and culture – a connection? Creating culturally respectful ECE environments. Retrieved from

National Association for the Education of Young  Children.(Website).  Retrieved from

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