Friday 15 March 2013



We all have people in our lives that are important to us. They may be family, friends, coworkers and acquaintances. If we are lucky, relationships develop, evolve and improve over time. We have not choice about creating relationships with family. However, we can choose whether they will be positive or negative. Some  relationships are based upon time and circumstance. Yet others result from common interests. Regardless of how these relationships are formed, most important aspect of them includes positive reciprocation. Those that are most damaging, impact our abilities to trust or positively interact with others. We all hope to have more quality relationships in our lives.



The people in my immediate family are the most important people in my world. My mother inspires me daily by her immense stamina, and determination. She took care of my basic needs and taught me how to work hard yet take time to enjoy others. My husband and my son inspire a sense of commitment and togetherness. I have a friend of over 25 years who always reminds me where I was and where I am. all of these people have taught me the importance of bonds and love when times are optimal  and during the small tragedies that destabilise our lives.

From my family and friends I learn that it is okay to have adventures and explore, as long as I remember where my home is. My mom still teaches me how to be responsible. She encourages tradition yet promotes change. My husband encourages and supports the things that are important to me even when he is sometimes negatively affected. My son has taught me how to love without limits.  My friend relentlessly encourages me to challenge myself intellectually and travel more.

These key individuals have impacted both my personal and professional life.  They support my independence while requiring me to be part of a family.  The life experiences of my important people,has made me a more empathetic person .  Indirectly they facilitated my career choice. My husband and son do not fully understand the full scope of my job, however, allow me time to focus on other people’s families. All members of my immediate family have also been a tremendous support while I am completing my course work. During challenging times, my friend reminds me of my professional and personal obligations to others and myself.

My life would be different without these key people who encourage, support and expect. I am grateful for their presence and ongoing support.

Weiss, H., Caspe, M., & Lopez, M. (2006). Family involvement makes a difference. Retrieved from


  1. My mother also plays a major role in my life. I look up to her in so many ways because of the struggles she has had to face and still manages to walk around as though her life is perfect. It is great that your husband supports everything you do, even when it negatively impacts him. Some men would quickly say no and would not care how their wives are affected.

    1. Thank you for your comments Jacqueline.

      It's amazing how our mothers inspire us with their strength. My mother is in her mid-seventies. She has had a tough life and continues to be there for everyone. Sometimes it is hard for her to let others take care of her.

  2. Hi Barb.
    It is so good to hear about the people in you life who encourage and support you to expand and at the same time help you to focus. It's what we do to help children develop too, encourage them to go beyond themselves but guide them along the way so they don't go beyond where they should. Great job on your post.

    1. Thank you for your comments Deb. We all need those people who stabilize us. Sometimes it changes as we move through the stages in our lives.

  3. Barbara,
    It sounds as though you have some great relationships in your life.How lucky we are to be supported and encouraged by others! I like what you said about making the choice to have positive relationships- it really is up to each of us to do that!
