Tuesday 26 February 2013

Attachment Through the Lifetime

To promote positive growth as a society, we need to foster healthy well-adjusted children. Secure attachments are impacted by the prenatal health of the mother and early parent/child interactions. Parents can develop attachments through primarily intersubjectivity, where parents are highly responsive to their children. As a result, children learn to trust adults to help  meet emotional and physical needs.  This promotes secure attachments. Insecure attachments have lifelong impacts including circumscribed interpersonal relationships and reduced academic ability into adulthood. Some of the outcomes of unhealthy relationships can be changed when here are people who foster positive skills and healthy bonds.

Still Face Experiment


The Role of Attachment in Infancy on Later Mental and Physical Health Outcomes


Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) in Babies, Children and Adults!


Attachment Activities


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