Friday 14 December 2012

Ethics in Early Childhood

Ethics are a group of rules that govern conduct.  Ethics are developed and evolve over time and are the result of intrinsic and extrinsic perspectives.  We have our own set of ethics that govern our day to day interactions with family and friends.  As professionals we also have guidelines or ethics to promote uniformity in understanding and practice.
The process of reviewing and selecting three of the most meaningful “rules” from the Code of Ethics drafted by respected associations such as the National Association for the Education of Young Children and the Division of Early Childhood is a difficult task.  However upon much review and consideration relationships advocacy and ethical practice are three areas that are most meaningful.

Recognise that children and adults achieve their full potential in the context of relationships that are based on trust and respect. (NAEYC,Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment, 2005)
Relationships are the basis of all successful interactions.  Families trust professionals to be supporting their children to maximize the child’s potential.  To ensure and maintain trust, professionals must provide a safe and caring environment where developmentally appropriate practices are evident.  Professionals must exhibit respect to ensure that families develop meaningful and engaging relationships; providing feedback to and learning from professionals.

 We shall serve as advocates for children with disabilities and their families and for the professionals who serve them by supporting both policy and programmatic decisions that enhance the quality of their lives. (The Code of Ethics of the Division for Early Childhood (DEC), 2009) 

This is important for multiple reasons.  It is critical that all children with exceptionalities and their families are respected and valued within a inclusive environment.  To me this means that the environment is most enabling for the child to reach their maximum potential.  This is also an environment where families’ voices and perspectives are heard, respected and guided.   Often, universally differentiated strategies used to support children with special needs benefit  all children.

Ethical Practice
We shall use every resource, including referral when appropriate, to ensure high quality services are accessible and are provided to children and families. (The Code of Ethics of the Division for Early Childhood (DEC), 2009)

To me this means professionals are obligated to be informed demonstrating developmentally appropriate practices, ethical interventions in conjunction with the individual child’s strengths and needs.  To ensure that this occurs, staff must be aware of developmental milestones, select appropriate evaluative tools and assessment process.  This will ensure that internal interventions or community based referrals are informed and appropriate and timely.



Feeney, S., & Kipnis, K. (1989). NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment. Young  
Children, 45(1), 24-29.
The Division for Early Childhood. (2000, August). Code of ethics. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from


  1. Hello Barb!
    Rachel Hendrix here, this was a great post all together. You are right in my opinion Relationships are very important, and we have to provide an inviting environment so that not only our children will feel comfortable,but other professionals as well. And as I learn more about advocating I see that our children do need us to advocate for them on a number of levels and it is something that we will have to continue through the years.-Good Post!

  2. Barb,

    I think you picked great ethics that relate really well to your everyday work. Relationships are part of the environment we create for children and are vital to the development process. I think you highlighted that well in discussing the second ethic you posted.

    Tara Fleishman

  3. Hi Barb,

    I love your post on Ethics, especailly the issue on relationships. If we are to be effective and efficient then we need to nurture and cherish relations. With cherished relations we will be able to create enabling envirnoment for the children, families and the staff.


  4. Barb,

    i have really enjoyed learning about you and from you over the past 8 weeks both on your blog and in your discussion posts. I can truly see that you are committed to your job and helping young children and families. Your passion for the field really shows in your writing. Thank you for sharing with me and allowing me to learn from you.

    Tara Fleishman

  5. Vote of Thanks

    Hi Barb,

    Thank you for your support especailly when I had a problem with setting up my blog.
    It has been such a wonderful time coming to know and being able to share with you the rich experiences that you have in this field.

    I do believe that our relationship has just started and that we will continue to relate and share more as we get along in this our area of specialisation.

    I do wish you the best in your career and hope we will meet some day.
