Our life journeys of family, education and employment are evolutionary and ever changing due to personal and economic circumstances. Researchers and journalist often question the number of careers, which one will have. It is rare for individuals to remain employed within one environment or one field of employment over their lifespan (Wall Street Journal, 2010).
Whether we are starting a new career or on the continuum of employment within our fields of interest, we always need to ask ourselves “Why do I want to work for this company?"
However, when challenged to travel a different career stream our abilities, interests, and temperaments may be stimulated by many environments. Alternatively, there may opportunities that extend beyond the early education environment, yet will have a significant and positive impact on numerous children.
Success By 6 exists locally and nationally http://www.successby6edmonton (Forever, Success By 6, 2011). They supported professional development within our school and were foundational in formulating education resources in association to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD). Today, Success By 6 continues to support children and their families through advocacy, research, and education intended upon reducing barriers to learning, predominately poverty. Success By 6 is funded by the United Way http://myunitedway.ca/campaign-cabinet/ (United Way of the Alberta Capital Region, n.d.). Employees of both organizations support fundraising, communications, public education, and community building. The mandate of this organization appeals to me because of the capacity of the organization to help families on a local, provincial or federal level. Resources and projects that form are meaningful and unique to the community needs. I would also be very interested in working with families and the community through an initiative such as the Early Years Continuum Project. the link is noted below. It is always excited to help existing and future families to grow and become engaged in their community. It is evident that the services and supports operated by Success by 6 are responsive to grassroots needs.
YWAARC (2014, July 23). Building a Strong Foundation for Our Future. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1kVGFvSBxg
The National Association for the Education of Young children (NAEYC) offers early education professionals, program leaders, families and community members with ways to access and positively impact early childhood outcomes. Within the context of NAEYC, there are national affiliates and contributors from extensive and relevant areas of early educators.
In addition to Position Statement on issues that are relevant to children and their families NAEYC also host national professional development opportunities. Information can be found online or through d print resources such as the “Young Child” magazine” NAEYC also prepares curriculum materials and offers Face to Face Training. As the scope of NAEYVC is broad, there are a variety of employment opportunities with the organization. Professionals can access the Get Involved site to participate at national and state levels as editors, reviewers or advisors for their magazines, advisory councils programs. NAEYC also links with other groups to support the search for volunteer or paid employment.
In Washington, the NAEYC headquarters there are also intern, and full-time employment opportunities posted on their site. Currently, there are postings for Senior Directorships requiring the qualifications of a Master Degree. Candidate must have experience in supervisory positions as well as experience withering with adult learners in academic settings. This opportunity is appealing and provides consideration for continued work experience.
NAETYC (n.d.). Affiliates. Retrieved January 27, 2015 from http://www.naeyc.org/affiliates
NAEYC (n.d.).Job Opportunities. Retrieved January 27, 2015 from http://www.naeyc.org/about/jobs/overview
Institute for Early Childhood Education and Research (IECER) is located in British Columbia. Professionals with expertise in early learning and language learning comprise the core educational team(The University of British Columbia, 2015). This organization interests me because it utilizes the expertise of early learning professionals and those trained in Curriculum & Pedagogy. IECER not only teaches undergraduate students through out the year, it also host summer sessions for working professionals. Some of the topics presented relate to infant development and supported child development. It would be very exciting to work with these teams whose sole purpose is to understand and improve outcomes for diverse child population from infancy to age six.
The International Step by Step Association (n.d.) is a learning community for inclusive, equitable and high-quality care and education for young children. It works with the population in Europe, Netherlands, Central Asia, Africa, United States of America, and Canada. Designated contact people, who work as Program Committee Members or may be appointed as Regional Anchors to address governance, issues and work on membership needs. These employees contribute to network building and to strengthen ISSA as a learning community in the sub-region and cross-regionally. Executive Directors, Professors, and Researchers constitute the Board of Directors. All representatives serve in early education programs; however, the majority of representatives are situated in Europe (The International Step by Step Association, n.d.). I have selected this organization as its influence is widespread, and there are numerous opportunities to mentor colleagues. “Upon request, ISSA offers a diverse menu of training, mentoring, consulting services and materials to support educators, child care centers, schools, parents, communities, teacher training institutions, donors and policymakers” (The International Step by Step Association, n.d).
Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (2015). Educational Webinars. Retrieved January 16, 2015 from http://www.cidi-icdi.ca/whats-happening/events/cidi-educational-webinars/
Justice for Children. Children with Map. Retrieved January 15, 2015 from http://justiceforchildren.org/images/children-atlas.jpg
Forever, Success By 6 ( 2011). Retrieved Janaury11 http://www.successby6edmonton.info/ndc-get-involved/
Genesis Framework (2015). Goals Dice . Retrieved from http://blog.doostang.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Career-goals_90545278.jpg
Globally Unicef also addresses poverty through capacity building. http://www.unicef.org/ceecis/Erin_Tanner_Community_of_Practice_Athens12.pdf
NAETYC (n.d.). Affiliates. Retrieved January 27, 2015 from http://www.naeyc.org/affiliates
NAEYC (n.d.).Job Opportunities. Retrieved January 27, 2015 from http://www.naeyc.org/about/jobs/overview
The International Step by Step Association (n.d.). Our Organisation. Retrieved from http://www.issa.nl/content/program-committee
Professional Development (Wordle Image). Retrieved from http://edulastic.com/teacher-training-hub/
The University of British Columbia (2015). The Institute for Early Childhood Education and Research (IECECR): ECED Courses in UBC Calendar. Retrieved from http://earlychildhood.educ.ubc.ca/courses/eced-courses-ubc-calendar
Wall Street Journal ( 2010, Sept. 4). Seven Careers in a Lifetime? Think Twice, Researchers Say. Retrieved January 11, 2015 from http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704206804575468162805877990
United Way of the Alberta Capital Region (n.d.). Campaign Cabinet. Retrieved from http://myunitedway.ca/campaign-cabinet/
United Way of the Alberta Capital Region (n.d.). Meet our Team. Retrieved from http://myunitedway.ca/meet-our-team
UWARC (2014, July 23). Building a Strong Foundation for Our Future. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1kVGFvSBxg